Meetups, Marketing, advertising, community outreach, Toisc Limited

Meetups and Why You Should Use Them for Marketing Your Business

Small Business Outreach can start with a Meetup, not the famous app (Called Meetups), by bringing together like-minded people in your local area to interact or learn. It’s as old as the days when we sat together and braided each others hair or went out on a hunt together. It’s about bonding and bringing people together over…

Marketing, advertising, Terms, Definitions, Dictionary, Toisc Limited, Advertising and Marketing Consultancy, Understanding Affiliate Marketing

Understanding Affiliate Marketing (without affiliate marketing)

Understanding Affiliate Marketing Misconceptions Quick Definition A website/blog promoting another business/product/service and in return receives a ‘commission’ for the promotion. Normally promoted through reviews, article writing, landing pages or through a whole website in the course of ‘normal’  writing. It may be the intention to fully promote the affiliate product or merely as a means of redirecting…

Should I Volunteer My Business Services?, Care, Community, Urban Wednesday, #UrbanWednesday, Wellbeing, Toisc Limited

Should I Volunteer My Business Services?

Volunteering is a two-way street no matter if you are Mother Theresa or Mark Zuckerberg. It benefits both parties at the end of the day. So Should I Volunteer My Business Services to gain larger community awareness?   Okay, Okay, so the initial statement needs a quick explanation. Volunteering benefits everyone who takes part in…

A/B Testing, Improve Sales, Toisc Limited, How-To

A/B Testing Explained for Improved Sales Conversion

A/B Testing is also known as Split Testing. This is where a Digital Marketer has different adverts, or landing pages and tests which one convinces more customers to click-through and /or purchase a product or submit an email address. Have you tried A/B Testing Explained for Improved Sales Conversion yet? A/B Testing Explained Take for example…

Refining the Digital Marketing Planning Process, Digest, Toisc Limited, Advertising and Marketing Consultancy

Refining the Digital Marketing Planning Process

When a business notices customers heading to their competitors and they can’t attract them back, they normally hire more salespeople or push more products to ensure that their brand is being seen and heard. Perhaps Refining the Digital Marketing Planning Process first will have the most impact. There are other ways, and normally it has…